
75 Reputation

4 Badges

4 years, 311 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mary120


I want to solve a first order ODE and (i) plot phi vs. x and then (ii) export data of the plotted curve as an T-shape ASCII file. I try to do this by Maple, but there are some errors and I couldn’t get the mentioned curve and ASCII file. Please, help me to remove errors:

where V(phi)= (1-alpha)*M^2 - (1-alpha)*M*sqrt(M^2 - 2*phi) + mu*(mu + beta*nu)*(1 - exp(phi/(mu + beta*nu))) + 
            (nu/beta)*(mu + beta*nu)*(1 - exp(beta*phi/(mu + beta*nu))) + (alpha/gamma1)*(1 - exp(-gamma1*phi)),

where we assume mu := 0.01, nu := 1 - mu, beta := 0.05, alpha := 0.3, M := sqrt(0.704), gamma1 := 0.001.
As it is seen from the attached figure, V(phi) and dV(phi)/dx =0 for phi=0 and phi=phi_m (two extreme points of V(phi)) and d^V(phi)/dphi^2<0 at phi=0 and phi=phi_m (phi and x are real). 

From the attached figure, it seems that phi=phi_m at x=0 and phi->0 as x-> infinity. (Hint: I expect the plot of V(phi) vs. phi and phi vs. x be similar to the curve "A" in the attached file).


How can I simplify this relation(See uploaded .mw file)?
For example, the second term is simplified as: 


I have an equation and I want to solve it parametrically to find x , but I couldn't do that with "solve" command. (I know x should be  real and positive). What should I do?

Drear freinds,

I want to simplify f (a long experssion) in the form of f2. How to determine M1^2 and M0^2?

I am a beginner in Maple. I want to calculate an integral [int(dx)=int(d_phi/sqrt(F(phi)))] and then plot phi vs x. But I do not know the commands.

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