
85 Reputation

5 Badges

11 years, 251 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by matmxhu

@C_R  thanks a lot,It seems that there is a certain discrepancy between the software packages and the system, which does not appear to be very harmonious

@dharr thanks,yes,i know the exact answer, but how to  avoid the problem caused by interval if  no warning message was given.

@vv thanks a lot

@Preben Alsholm thanks a lot

@ThU for indexed subscripts,i can use indets(poly,'specindex(anything,a)') to acquire a[b], and use "select(has, poly,a[b])" to reach the results,but now,i meet  literal subscripts rather than indexed subscripts,how do i?




thanks a lot ,i find you wrote p[2] rather than p2.





PDE := (diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), x[1]))*p[1]/m-(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), p[1]))*(2*k*x[1]-k*x[2])+(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), x[2]))*p__2/m-(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), p[2]))*(-k*x[1]+2*k*x[2]);

(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), x[1]))*p[1]/m-(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), p[1]))*(2*k*x[1]-k*x[2])+(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), x[2]))*p__2/m-(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), p[2]))*(-k*x[1]+2*k*x[2])



`Warning:  Incomplete separation.`




` `


PDESolStruc(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]) = _F4(p[2])+_F5(x[1], x[2], p[1]), [{-2*(diff(_F5(x[1], x[2], p[1]), p[1]))*k*m*x[1]+(diff(_F5(x[1], x[2], p[1]), p[1]))*k*m*x[2]+k*_c[4]*x[1]*m-2*k*_c[4]*x[2]*m+(diff(_F5(x[1], x[2], p[1]), x[1]))*p[1]+(diff(_F5(x[1], x[2], p[1]), x[2]))*p__2 = 0, diff(_F4(p[2]), p[2]) = _c[4]}])



PDE1 := (diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), x[1]))*p[1]/m-(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), p[1]))*(2*k*x[1]-k*x[2])+(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), x[2]))*p[2]/m-(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), p[2]))*(-k*x[1]+2*k*x[2])

(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), x[1]))*p[1]/m-(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), p[1]))*(2*k*x[1]-k*x[2])+(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), x[2]))*p[2]/m-(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), p[2]))*(-k*x[1]+2*k*x[2])



PDE2 := (diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), x[1]))*p[1]/m-(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), p[1]))*(2*k*x[1]-k*x[2])+(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), x[2]))*p__2/m-(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), p[2]))*(-k*x[1]+2*k*x[2]);

(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), x[1]))*p[1]/m-(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), p[1]))*(2*k*x[1]-k*x[2])+(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), x[2]))*p__2/m-(diff(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]), p[2]))*(-k*x[1]+2*k*x[2])



`Warning:  Incomplete separation.`




` `


PDESolStruc(f(x[1], x[2], p[1], p[2]) = _F4(p[2])+_F5(x[1], x[2], p[1]), [{-2*(diff(_F5(x[1], x[2], p[1]), p[1]))*k*m*x[1]+(diff(_F5(x[1], x[2], p[1]), p[1]))*k*m*x[2]+k*_c[4]*x[1]*m-2*k*_c[4]*x[2]*m+(diff(_F5(x[1], x[2], p[1]), x[1]))*p[1]+(diff(_F5(x[1], x[2], p[1]), x[2]))*p__2 = 0, diff(_F4(p[2]), p[2]) = _c[4]}])




From PDE2,we can see p2 different from p[2],i guess the result should be symmetry rather than Eq.(5)







@Markiyan Hirnyk 

hi,please see my attachment,i slove the equations using DirectSearch v.2,for some parameters ,it can work well,but when i choose some ones,it has been running so a great deal of time(one day and one night) that i'm not even sure solves exists.but once in a while,solves can be found,why? thanks  a lot.


restart; with(DirectSearch); Digits := 20



f := omega__a*alpha^2+omega__b*beta^2+Omega__a*eta^2+Omega__b*chi^2-2*kappa*alpha*beta-(1/2)*Omega__a-(1/2)*Omega__b-4*lambda__b*sqrt(-chi^2+1)*chi*beta-4*lambda__a*sqrt(-eta^2+1)*eta*alpha:

eq := sort([seq(diff(f, i), `in`(i, [alpha, beta, eta, chi]))], length)

[2*omega__a*alpha-2*kappa*beta-4*lambda__a*(-eta^2+1)^(1/2)*eta, 2*omega__b*beta-2*kappa*alpha-4*lambda__b*(-chi^2+1)^(1/2)*chi, 2*Omega__b*chi+4*lambda__b*chi^2*beta/(-chi^2+1)^(1/2)-4*lambda__b*(-chi^2+1)^(1/2)*beta, 2*Omega__a*eta+4*lambda__a*eta^2*alpha/(-eta^2+1)^(1/2)-4*lambda__a*(-eta^2+1)^(1/2)*alpha]



omega__a := 1;











X := [seq((i-1)*0.3e-1, i = 1 .. 21)]

Y := [seq((i-1)*0.3e-1, i = 1 .. 21)]

X := [.27]:





sols1 := SolveEquations(map(proc (t) options operator, arrow; convert(t, rational) end proc, eq), AllSolutions, solutions = 15, tolerances = 10^(-10), number = 1500, {alpha = -2 .. 2, beta = -2 .. 2, chi = -1 .. 1, eta = -1 .. 1}, evaluationlimit = 1000000);

Warning,  computation interrupted


try g := proc () SolveEquations(map(proc (t) options operator, arrow; convert(t, rational) end proc, eq), AllSolutions, solutions = 7, tolerances = 1/10000000000000, number = 1000, {alpha = -2 .. 2, beta = -2 .. 2, chi = -1 .. 1, eta = -1 .. 1}, evaluationlimit = 1000000) end proc; sols := [timelimit(300, g())] catch: printf("waiting") end try






@Preben Alsholm 


    g:= proc()           


end proc:          

sols:=[timelimit(300, g())];                  

catch "Error, (in fsolve/polyill) time expired" :

 end try;
in my opinion,"Error, (in fsolve/polyill) time expired",the program still may run,but i meet the program stop after the messege.

@Markiyan Hirnyk

hi, the equations read as 

eq:=[2*x-0.2e-1*y-2.04*sqrt(-v^2+1)*v, 2*y-0.2e-1*x-2.16*sqrt(-u^2+1)*u, 2*u+2.16*u^2*y/sqrt(-u^2+1)-2.16*sqrt(-u^2+1)*y, 2*v+2.04*v^2*x/sqrt(-v^2+1)-2.04*sqrt(-v^2+1)*x] ;

i do as follows using DirectSearch package v.2

i find the solutions not the same,some time the results not much difference,but another,sols1 have one solution,sols2 have three some time,some solutions are lost.may i have run the command serveral times? regards.

thanks Edgardo very much,I appreciate your early reply.Provided by Edgardo ,it's right using Maple 17.01.

thanks Edgardo very much,I appreciate your early reply.Provided by Edgardo ,it's right using Maple 17.01.

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