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17 years, 363 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mc


I am trying to ease my c coding work with the "CodeGeneration" tool in maple. The Idea to generate ready to use functions is quite thrilling.
In my attempts to generate code I entontert two problems.
First it seems to be impossible to assign local vectors to vectors passed in the argument list:

> MapX := proc (X\_out::Vector(2), X\_in::Vector(2), PRO2RO::Vector(2))
> local X\_t :: Vector(2,0), i;
> X\_t[1] := PRO2RO[1];
> X\_t[2] := PRO2RO[2]*10;
> X\_out := X\_in + X\_t;
> return;
> end proc;

here the assignment X\_out := X\_in + X\_t; is not recognized.
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