mehran rajabi

120 Reputation

5 Badges

10 years, 170 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mehran rajabi

Hi everyone...

How can I remove the warning (Warning, (in anonymous procedure created in Typesetting:-FI) `m` is implicitly declared local
) from this for command in Maple 2024? I know the warning can be ignored but I want to remove it anyway.

for k from 1 to 4 do
    A[k] := Matrix(k, k, (i, j) -> local m; ifelse(i + j < k + 2, add(Y[i - m + j - 1]*binomial(i - 1, m)*(-1)^m, m = 0 .. i - 1), 0));
end do


Hi everyone:

I watn to create expressions like below expressions in "printf" command:






Can I write these form expressions with "for' command for i=1..n or "seq" command? infact I need those in print command so that I do not type manually. 


Hi everyone...
if f(x,y)=x+y
How can I calculate the following expressions for derivative of y(i) where i=1...n?

Hi everyone ...

How can I define the below Matrix with for command: (A[n] is n*n and n=1...i)


Hi everyone...

I want to know how can I convert python code & c+ code into maple, is there any command or algorithm for these converts? 


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