
13 Reputation

2 Badges

19 years, 180 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by miasharmse

Hi, Thank you very much ! I really appreciate this. Can you send me the Maple worksheet that you used to get to this simplified formula ? I am using Maple 8. I have another and even more complicated problem that I have solved in Maple and if I know how you simplified this formula then I can apply it to the other problem as well. Thanks again !
Hi, Thank you very much ! I really appreciate this. Can you send me the Maple worksheet that you used to get to this simplified formula ? I am using Maple 8. I have another and even more complicated problem that I have solved in Maple and if I know how you simplified this formula then I can apply it to the other problem as well. Thanks again !
Hi, Thanks for helping ! Sorry I forgot to mention in my first question that the formula which I need must not be for Maple, I need to type this formula in some other 3D design program that I use to create 3D models. I will apply this equation to a specific model so that the model would adapt correctly for different values of the above parameters. The program that I am using is pretty basic so one cannot type in stuff such as the functions used in Maple. This program can only do basic math functions such as tan/arctan/sin/asin etc... ,sqrt() and normal operators such as plus minus multiply divide brackets etc. Eg. If I want to calulate an angle using the cos rule then the formula would look something like this: acos((b*b+c*c-a*a)/(2*b*c))*180/PI Do you think it is possible to get a formula for the above problem that I can use in my 3d CAD program ? Thanks again for helping
Hi, Thanks for helping ! Sorry I forgot to mention in my first question that the formula which I need must not be for Maple, I need to type this formula in some other 3D design program that I use to create 3D models. I will apply this equation to a specific model so that the model would adapt correctly for different values of the above parameters. The program that I am using is pretty basic so one cannot type in stuff such as the functions used in Maple. This program can only do basic math functions such as tan/arctan/sin/asin etc... ,sqrt() and normal operators such as plus minus multiply divide brackets etc. Eg. If I want to calulate an angle using the cos rule then the formula would look something like this: acos((b*b+c*c-a*a)/(2*b*c))*180/PI Do you think it is possible to get a formula for the above problem that I can use in my 3d CAD program ? Thanks again for helping
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