
13 Reputation

2 Badges

19 years, 178 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by miasharmse

After analysing a sketch I came up with two equations describing the sketch.

My first equation looks like: eq1 := tan(X/2) = Vt/Hr;
My second equation looks like: eq2 := tan(X) = (V-Vt)/Hl;

I know the values for Hr, Hl, V so I am left with two unknown values which is angle X and distance Vt.

I have typed these equations in Maple 8 and when I substitute the values Hr, Hl, V then Maple does come up with the correct solution to either angle X or distance Vt. My problem is that I do not want the specific answer to this problem. I need a general answer. That means I want an equation where I can put in any legal values for Hr, Hl, V and then the equation will calculate either Vt or X for me.
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