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These are questions asked by minhhieuh2003

import com.maplesoft.openmaple.*;

import com.maplesoft.externalcall.MapleException;

class test


    public static void main( String args[] )


        String a[];

        Engine t;

        int i;

        a = new String[1];

        a[0] = "java";



            t = new Engine( a, new EngineCallBacksDefault(), null, null );

            t.evaluate( "int( x,x );" );


        catch ( MapleException e )


            System.out.println( "An exception occurred\n" );



        System.out.println( "Done\n" );



This code error import com.maplesoft.externalcall.MapleException in java?

Please help me.


I have document Maple.mw. I want to copy all text to mathtype. How do I copy and paste?

Link download: maple document

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