
140 Reputation

5 Badges

9 years, 301 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by minhhieuh2003


thank you very much very much.

@Carl Love

So what to do?

I can use plots:-textplot but export *.rft very bad

Please help me.

@Carl Love 

column A: left

column B: left

column C: left

column D: left

Row 1, Row 2, Row 3, ... Row n is straight


Download Goi_mapleprime.mw


Good luck to you.


Good luck to you

@Christian Wolinski 

rand1:= rand(2 .. 9); a := rand1();b := rand1();c:= rand1();

maple understand var b and c but don't understand

can you help me?

@Christian Wolinski 

InertForm:-Display(new, inert=false);  use maple 2018 is OK

but maple 2015 isn't.

Can you help me?inertsurd_reply.mw



`Maple 2018.1, X86 64 LINUX, Jun 8 2018, Build ID 1321769`



expr := sqrt(x^3*x^(3/4));



new := combine(expr);







expr := surd(a*'surd'(a*a^b,3),4);

surd(a*surd(a*a^b, 3), 4)


inertexpr := InertForm:-MakeInert(eval(expr,1)):

new := subs([a=2,b=6,c=4], inertexpr):

ans := InertForm:-Display(new,inert=true);

Typesetting:-mi("ans", italic = "true", mathvariant = "italic") := Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mi("%surd", italic = "true", mathvariant = "italic"), Typesetting:-mo("⁡", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "false", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.0em", rspace = "0.0em"), Typesetting:-mfenced(Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mi("%*", italic = "true", mathvariant = "italic"), Typesetting:-mo("⁡", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "false", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.0em", rspace = "0.0em"), Typesetting:-mfenced(Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mn("2", mathvariant = "normal"), Typesetting:-mo(",", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "true", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.0em", rspace = "0.3333333em"), Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mi("%surd", italic = "true", mathvariant = "italic"), Typesetting:-mo("⁡", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "false", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.0em", rspace = "0.0em"), Typesetting:-mfenced(Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mi("%*", italic = "true", mathvariant = "italic"), Typesetting:-mo("⁡", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "false", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.0em", rspace = "0.0em"), Typesetting:-mfenced(Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mn("2", mathvariant = "normal"), Typesetting:-mo(",", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "true", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.0em", rspace = "0.3333333em"), Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mi("%^", italic = "true", mathvariant = "italic"), Typesetting:-mo("⁡", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "false", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.0em", rspace = "0.0em"), Typesetting:-mfenced(Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mn("2", mathvariant = "normal"), Typesetting:-mo(",", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "true", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.0em", rspace = "0.3333333em"), Typesetting:-mn("6", mathvariant = "normal")), mathvariant = "normal"))), mathvariant = "normal")), Typesetting:-mo(",", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "true", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.0em", rspace = "0.3333333em"), Typesetting:-mn("3", mathvariant = "normal")), mathvariant = "normal"))), mathvariant = "normal")), Typesetting:-mo(",", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "true", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.0em", rspace = "0.3333333em"), Typesetting:-mn("4", mathvariant = "normal")), mathvariant = "normal"))





ans := InertForm:-Display(new,inert=false);

Typesetting:-mi("ans", italic = "true", mathvariant = "italic") := Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mi("surd", italic = "false", mathvariant = "normal"), Typesetting:-mo("⁡", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "false", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.0em", rspace = "0.0em"), Typesetting:-mfenced(Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mn("2", mathvariant = "normal"), Typesetting:-mo("⁢", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "false", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.0em", rspace = "0.0em"), Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mi("surd", italic = "false", mathvariant = "normal"), Typesetting:-mo("⁡", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "false", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.0em", rspace = "0.0em"), Typesetting:-mfenced(Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mn("2", mathvariant = "normal"), Typesetting:-mo("·", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "false", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.1666667em", rspace = "0.1666667em"), Typesetting:-msup(Typesetting:-mn("2", mathvariant = "normal"), Typesetting:-mn("6", mathvariant = "normal"), superscriptshift = "0")), Typesetting:-mo(",", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "true", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.0em", rspace = "0.3333333em"), Typesetting:-mn("3", mathvariant = "normal")), mathvariant = "normal"))), Typesetting:-mo(",", mathvariant = "normal", fence = "false", separator = "true", stretchy = "false", symmetric = "false", largeop = "false", movablelimits = "false", accent = "false", lspace = "0.0em", rspace = "0.3333333em"), Typesetting:-mn("4", mathvariant = "normal")), mathvariant = "normal"))




Download inertsurd_reply.mw


how can you  determine x^-3?

use coeff(g,x,-3) ?

Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

in Maple 2015

how can print ?

Help me!. Please

Thank you very much

 other way? use uses ?

not this. 2D math not Text!

Can i use function subs()?

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