
17 Reputation

2 Badges

19 years, 35 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by miran

In Maple 14, some functions involving coth do not plot correctly when using "plot".


> restart;
rS := 10000; cS := 1;
ZWarbSolid := rS*coth((((1/4)*rS*cS*I)*exp(2*Pi*freq))^.5)/(((1/4)*rS*cS*I)*exp(2*Pi*freq))^.5;
> with(plots);
p1 := plot([Re(ZWarbSolid), -Im(ZWarbSolid), freq = .4 .. 3.4], color = red, scaling = constrained, style = point);p2 := plot([freq, -Im(ZWarbSolid), freq = .4 .. 3.4], color = blue, style = point...


I have the following set of ODE:

sys := diff(U(t), t) = Itot/C-U(t)/(R*C), diff(U(t), t) = (Itot-I1(t))/C, diff(U(t), t) = I2(t)/C

The general solution is easily obtained by:

sol1 := dsolve({sys})

SOLUTION: sol1:={U(t)=Itot R+(e)^((-(t)/(R C))) _C1,I2(t)=-((e)^((-(t)/(R C))) _C1)/(R),I1(t)=(Itot R+(e)^((-(t)/(R C))) _C1)/(R)}

However, I cannot get the solution for initial conditions. In fact, we only need one initial condition, to solve for _C1:

IC:=U(0)=0  #Alternatively: I1(0)=0 or I2(0)=Itot.

How do I generate a datafile (ascii-type) for the following general case: y1:=f1(x); y2:=f2(x); ... ym:=fm(x); so that the first column will contain selected values of x from x0 to xN, the second column will contain the corresponding f1(x0..xN), the third f2(x0..xN) etc.? Thanks, Miran
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