
60 Reputation

3 Badges

3 years, 112 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mohandt

Is there any Maple command equivalent to Mathematica StreamPlot command?

Thank you.

Hi everyone and happy new year to all.

My question is: Is there a way to change the position of the axes labels in a plot? say, put them at the far end of the axes as some other softwares do. And is there any way to end the axes with arrows?

Axes labels position


`Maple 2021.2, APPLE UNIVERSAL OSX, Feb 1 2022, Build ID 1590019`


y := proc (x) options operator, arrow; 1/abs(x) end proc

proc (x) options operator, arrow; 1/abs(x) end proc


plot(y(x), x = -4 .. 4)



I would like to take advantage from the powerful command "SSTransformation" of the DynamicSystems package to reuse the corresponding output.

For example, if we use the following shape:

         > SSTransformation( Amat, Bmat, Cmat, Dmat, form = ModalCanon, output=['A','B','C','D','T'] );

How to do to assign names to the outputs A,B,C,D and T to subsequently reuse them?

Suppose we have a function that we want to plot in different styles and to finally put all these different plots in one single plot.

When we use the plot command, it is easy to gather several plots in one single plot but when it commes to another special kind of plots (namely, DiscretePlot from DynamicSystems), there I am stuck.

Would you like help me to solve this problem? Thank you.

Here attached the corresponding worksheet.

Is there a way to ask Maple to re-write the expression 

a:=1/3 -exp(-3)/3 into a:=1/3*(1-exp(-3))  ?

The command "factor" doesn't seem to work. Thank you.

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