
30 Reputation

4 Badges

7 years, 299 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by mqb

@vv  Thanks, the original answer had the core in it so I worked from that.

@vv Thanks, I was hoping that there may be something in Maple which allowed me to set (be lazy) the tolerances, but as you say, its not too much work to set the svd bits to zero.

Just tried this, it seems like SingularValues returns a vector so the rank 1 in the last bit is due to a vector being evaulated, not the number of "zero" eigenvalues?  Suppose you could make the matrix diagonal or count the number of non-zero values.

@acer  Thanks both.  We've got to use 2016, but its good to know about 2017.

Also, yes, I did have VectorCalculus loaded and removing it solved the problem.

Many thanks again.



Thanks, I'd noticed that scenario as well (it's ok when you have the sections open), but the worksheets look a lot neater when you can hide the unnecessary detail and close appropriate sections.  

@acer Pretty much just what I wanted. Thanks.

@acer No, but I will try. Thanks (in advance).

@Rouben Rostamian  Many thanks as well.

@Kitonum Many thanks, does exactly what I was after.

@Kitonum Thanks, I was hoping to get the actual values in the matrices m1 & m2 instead of their names in the formatted output.

@Carl Love 


@John May 

Thanks, I've put a simple worksheet together (attached) which has a restart and display precision in the startup.  When I load this in and execute worksheet, the full number is shown.  I'm using 2016 as well.  I must be doing something stupid?


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