
30 Reputation

4 Badges

7 years, 303 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mqb

Hi, I've been doing a few small explore plots where the ranges for the parameters are something like [-1,1], but 0 is a special value which will often need to be set.  The slider, gauge components, ... are a bit fiddly to set with exactly zero using a mouse to drag the value.  Thought about a few different ways to do this

* Right click and set value from the component properties option - a bit fiddly for the user and the graph doesn't immediately update when OK'ed.

* Extra control with a tick to set a zero value (fiddly programming and possible confusing interpretation)

* Slider component and snaptoticks=true

Last option seems to be the easiest all round, but I was wondering why it is only the slider component that has a snaptoticks property - none of the other components seem to support it and a gauge would probably be a more natural component to use.

Thanks in advance

Hi, Is there any way to set the tolerances in


I'm evaluating a matrix which is singular, except the singular values come back as 1 and 10^(-9).  I'd like Maple to compute this as rank 1 rather than rank 2.


Hi, I'm trying to display (print / typeset) a vector of derivatives where an overdot is used instead of d/dt and the dependent variable is hidden.  For a single variable 


Gives the desired result, but



doesn't.  I presume the vector/matrix package is doing something to the formatting?  Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Hi, I'm getting some unusual behaviour between the Explore() command / graphs and collapsed sections, as exemplified in the attached (linked) worksheet.  I'm trying to develop some worksheets with several sections where some of the sections have an explore() graph in them.  To keep things simple, I'd like some sections to be collapsed with the graphs hidden (and remain collapsed: View - Section - Autoexpanding - Uncheck) when the worksheet is evaluated.  In the attached, the section remains collapsed, so does the normal graph, but the explore "graph" gets published outside the collapsed section and when there is other information on the worksheet, the explore window appears almost randomly.

So is there any way to ensure the explore graph remains inside the collapsed section?

Sorry for the slightly longwinded explanation :-)


Hi, I'm trying to display a rotation matrix, but due to the interaction with the explore controls and the working numerical precision for the controls / trig terms, I'm getting displays like

1.0  0.0

0.0  -2*10^-10

What I'd like is for the -2*10^-10 to be displayed in decimal format (by default) and therefore would be displayed as 0.0.

So is there a way to control the display formatting of:

x := cos(Pi/(2.0));

so that it displays 0.0 instead of -2*10^-10?

I realise that Increasing the Digits increases the precision, but this simply increases the magnitude of the exponent and I can't simply use x := cos(Pi/(2)), because of the interaction with the explore controls.


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