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12 years, 348 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by muffinman123

huh weird, I thought closing maple and open it again will automatically allow me to use maple notations, but it doesn't.

so I have to open a new worksheet every time I start maple to use maple notations. that's weird. is it possible to have worksheet opened on startup instead of document?

huh weird, I thought closing maple and open it again will automatically allow me to use maple notations, but it doesn't.

so I have to open a new worksheet every time I start maple to use maple notations. that's weird. is it possible to have worksheet opened on startup instead of document?

I have done the tools options method before, but it didn't work.


the input notations are still hard set on 2-d math. even when I select maple input on the text format bar above the input screen, every time I pressy ^ or / it still forcefully change the notation.


HOWEVER, when I set output to maple notations, it worked for output.

so far both my input and output are set to maple notations, but only output is shown in maple notation.

this is so weird

I have done the tools options method before, but it didn't work.


the input notations are still hard set on 2-d math. even when I select maple input on the text format bar above the input screen, every time I pressy ^ or / it still forcefully change the notation.


HOWEVER, when I set output to maple notations, it worked for output.

so far both my input and output are set to maple notations, but only output is shown in maple notation.

this is so weird

by the way, I am using maple 15, earlier versions don't seem to have these problems but I don't have access to them

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