
90 Reputation

5 Badges

7 years, 338 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by nguyenhuyenag

A := proc(n::posint)
    local i, A;
    A[1] := 2; A[2] := -1; A[3] := 0;
    for i from 3 to n do
        A[i + 1] := A[i] - 2*A[i - 1] + A[i - 2];
    return A[n];

So A(50) = 79694

X := proc(n::nonnegint)
    local i, A;
    A[0] := 2.25; A[1] := 1.75;
    for i from 2 to n do
        A[i] := sqrt(A[i - 1] + 4)/(6*A[i - 2]);
    return A[n];

We get X(182) = 0.5884056517.

Should be

end if -> end if;

end do -> end do;

print() -> print();

The easiest is export Maple code as image and insert to Word


Maple -> Latex -> MathType and insert MathType to Microsoft Word.

L := {}:
f := x^4*m[5] + x^3*m[4] + x^2*m[3] + x*m[2] + m[1];
for i to 5 do
    L := L union {subs(x = i, f) = 1/i};
f := subs(solve(L), f):
f := unapply(f,x);
print(cat(`f(-1) = `, f(-1)));
print(cat(`f(6) = `, f(6)));
print(cat(`f(7) = `, f(7)));




One line

select(t -> issqr(t), {seq(combinat:-fibonacci(i), i = 1 .. 10000)});

You can use: simplify(rationalize(FD), 'symbolic' );

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