
10 Reputation

3 Badges

12 years, 269 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by ninoum

hello all,

I work on an equation that represents the profit on a given horizon (L), according to three parameters (P, W, theta), and i want to find the triplet that minimizes this function. I even try to make a loop on the three parameter to find the minimum, but Maple does not give me a numerical result. Below is the function that I want to minimize (Prof(P,W,theta)):




Q := t -> 50000/(2+23*exp(-120000*(W+1/10)^(1/10)*t/P^2)); ...


I have a big problem With maple, it's a bit complicated, but I will try to detail. it's been months since I still looking for the solution :

I have a profit function expressed as follows:


I work on a dynamic programming problem and I must used the result of a maximization function, but I can not

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