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These are replies submitted by nmacsai

Yes it helped immensely. It pushed the caption to above("further to the right")  of the color bar labels.

See solution:


And on that same note, can one adjust the size of the color bar? It looks like its size is by default equal to the plot size of the display output which may be much larger than the plotted graphic itself. You can see this in my attached example above. My title ate up a lot of vertical space and the color bar was stretched over the title space. It is a perhaps a matter of preference but ususally you want the color bar to span your graphic and not your graphic + title + caption.

Again Maple 2023;
With this method, can the font size of the color bar be modified? The color bar numbers show up kinda small in my plot. Can I add a label or title on the color bar?


I tried 'view' initially but it just cuts off the image. See below.


Ah I see ok.

I will give the viewpoint method a try.

I wasn't sure if it needed its own thread or not. I will post it in Comment/Reply next time.

Thanks again for the extremely helpful responses.


Thank you very much for your replies. Yes I am currently using Maple 2023.

I looked through the help page to see how op(), indets(), subindets() and specfunc() work. I think the basic idea is to decompose the plot into operands, find indeterminants and perform a substitution on them with some kind of transformation function, then re-make the plot post-transformation.

If I may as one more question, is there a way to use: op(), indets(), subindets() and specfunc() , as you have shown, to take the color bar you generated and 'slap it' on to some other 3D plot(with a totally unrelated color scheme) like: c1 := display(cylinder([1, 1, 1], 1, 3), scaling = constrained, color = red)? I am imagining replacing the plot of sin(x*y) with the plot of the cylinder using op(), indets(), subindets() and specfunc(), while retaining the color bar from the first plot. Is such a thing possible?

That's correct. Thanks for the confirmation. @acer 

My question is in regards to a slightly more complicated situtation but I thought I would try a simpler version of my question while posting on the forum. What I am really after is how to change the line color of a polygon() while using with(plottools). See the new attached maplesheet. On the help page of polygon() in with(plottools) it shows you can change the linestyle=dashed but it doesn't indicate how to change the color.


For the full details see the actual maple worksheet. The browser embedded version seen above, is missing some information on the fucntion calls, that remains displayed in the full maple worksheet.

@ecterrab Thanks. This was a very helpful and informative posting. The implementation in Primed_symbols_as_variables.mw was exactly what I was searching for.


Hi @nmacsai, you need to change your icon: I mentioned this when you copied mine time ago. Yes, I think I made this with LateX. I probably used \ket {\psi(t)}. Mine has the explicit time dependence though. I uploaded two new profile pictures to the mapleprimes server, however they do not yet appear in my profile image pool. Perhaps there is some delay for screening profile pictures. When I see it comes available, I will switch it.

Try latex:-Settings(usedefaultlatexmacros = true). These settings are explained in the ?latex help page, although usedfaultlatexmacros is not yet documented. It is however visible when inputting latex:-Settings(). Yes this is what I was missing.
YWith usedefaultlatexmacros = true, Maple will use the closer default LaTeX macro instead of the macros found in maple.sty, at the cost of sometimes not achieving a final-pdf-look closer to what you see in the worksheet.

By the way, in the computer algebra world, everything beyond arithmetics has a help page, and it is recommended to take a quick look at it before using a command or answering a question in our minds (in ?latex it is mentioned the maple.sty file) I assure you,  I spend vast amounts of time in the help pages but I missed the latex:-Settings() part.  The help pages are the only way I know how to learn Maple. I only make posts when I think I have exhausted every help page resource and\or am truely lost on some fundemental level. I don't yet understand Maple on the source code level and so I will often ask awkward pedestrian questions. Thanks for your patience and for contributing answers to my questions.

Edgardo S. Cheb-Terrab
Physics, Differential Equations and Mathematical Functions, Maplesoft


Are the numbers you want to handle only positive integers? Or floats? Just positive integers to start but eventually I'd like to handle floats.

How large are the numbers you want to handle? Anywhere from 0 to 10^6, in base 10.

How many number do you want to handle? 1-1000 How fast do you need it? Not fast. The goal is exploratory at this stage.

I like the ilog10 method for positive integers.

@acer Ah ok the auto-simplification was thwarting me. These are all great solutions thanks!

@Carl Love It appears that background = white by default. If you omit it and export the image you still get a plot with a white background...

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