
100 Reputation

6 Badges

10 years, 86 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by oldstudent

Hi Maple friends.

How can I find the domain of y=sqrt(3*x-5)? or of y=1/(x+2)^2?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Maple friends.

If Maple solves an equation and spits out an answer like this,

{x = 4/3+(1/3)*sqrt(7)}, {x = 4/3-(1/3)*sqrt(7)}

how can I get a decimal answer, other than by using my calculator?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Maple friends.

As per usual, I am unable to find the solution in Maple Help. Can someone please advice me on how to shade an area under a curve, preferably using the context menu, since that is what I prefer to use at this stage.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Maple friends.

x(x+y)^4 = y(3*x-y)^2

When I differentiate implicitly by hand, I get:

-5*x^4-4*x^3*y+3*y^2/x^4-6*x*y+3*y^2 (my lecturer also got this solution)

Maple gives the result as: 


Maybe I am doing something wrong in Maple? From the context menu, I choose implicit differentiation, and then select y as the dependent variable. How can I get Maple to give the same solution?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Maple friends.

I have a plot. I click on the plot, and the blue border appears the around the plot. I press the delete key on my keyboard, and the plot is not deleted. Not deleted when I press the backspace key either. I can right-click on the plot and choose 'cut', but that just copies the plot to the clipboard.

So how can I delete a plot from the worksheet, without deleting anything else?

Thanks in advance.

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