
100 Reputation

6 Badges

10 years, 86 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by oldstudent

Hi Maple friends.

I am trying to differentiate these:

1. csc(x)/x

2. 3*x^2*cot(x)

From doing it by hand, I am getting:

1. -cosec(x)*(xcot(x) + 1)

2. 6x*cot(x) - 3x^2*cosec^2(x)

But Maple is giving the answer:

1. diff(csc(x)/x, x);


2. diff(3*x^2*cot(x), x);


My answers don't look like Maple's answers. Are they actually the same?

Thanks in advance.


Hi Maple friends.

If I have a table of values, how can Maple provide the function?

For example:



How can Maple find out the y function with respect to x? 

Thanks in advance.

Hi Maple friends.

Is there a Maple function to determine the intersection of two curves? For simple curves where the intersection is clear, I can plot them and use probeinfo to get the approximate intersection values.

But for more complex curves, where the scales are large, or the intersection point is not clear, it is difficult.

ie. intersection of y=x-3 and y=x^2-2*x-1

or intersection of y=x+1 and y=(x+1)/(x-1)

Thanks in advance.

Hi Maple friends.

expand( (a+b)^2 );


expand( (a+b)^3 );


expand( (a+4)^4 )

a^4+16*a^3+96*a^2+256*a+256 (???)

Pascal's triangle shows that 'expand( (a+4)^4 )' should have resulted in a^4+4*a^3*b+6*a^2*b^2+4*a*b^3+b^4

Where are the b variables in Maple's solution?

Thanks in advance.

Hi all.

After installation of the MSK, there is no desktop icon, and there is nothing to click in the start menu to launch it. I have to click on the executable in the Maple folder on the hard drive. It then launches Maple 18 first, and opens up some tabs related to the Survival Kit.

How can I open the MSK up from within Maple, without having to search for the executable first on the hard drive? 

Thanks in advance.

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