
50 Reputation

2 Badges

8 years, 172 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by omkardpd

@Preben Alsholm Thank you. Support is much appreciated. 

@Rouben Rostamian  Thank you. Support is much appreciated. 

@Preben Alsholm 

Thank you! The commands do work well. However, would it be possible to execute the procedure temp_proc(z,2) outside the plot command, assign the procedure output to a variable, and then recall it in a plot command? Suppose one can execute the procedure and plot commands separately. In that case, it will help get an output for multiple variables simultaneously and then run the plot command for each output variable separately. Kindly suggest. 

Please read xt := z in the following code. 



Yes, I am not good at coding, but I am trying to learn. My main objective in using Maple is to optimize complex problems—numerically and symbolically—that I face in my research. Hence, I focus on obtaining a solution first and then try to make codes and search procedures efficient. Your suggestions have been extremely valuable in the process. Thank you! 

Dear All,

Thank you for the suggestion. They are all working fine as desired. I appreciate the support.




Thank you. This does yield me what I am looking for. 






Thank you for the reply. Yes, this is exactly what I was looking for. The suggested procedure works quite well. 






Dear mmcdara 475

Your response is unbelievable, fantastic. I sincerely appreciate your quick and pin-pointed response. Irrespective of my background, your message is truly enriching. You have not only provided a code but you have also provided theoretical and practical insights in the particular statistical approach. 

A suggestion to you though. Could you upload your response on this portal under "Tutorial" category, assuming there is one? It will certainly help anyone future. 

Best regards,





Thank you for the suggestion; it worked well. 




Dear Friends, 

This discussion is really enriching. I appreciate your support in providing insights in using maple. Thank you. 







The technique you have suggested is quite good for the particular problem; appreciate it. I am going to certainly follow the same. 

Nevertheless, it would be better for me to generate all solutions and let me choose that meets all conditions in the problem. My numerical study gets quite complicated subsequently.

Thank you once again. Regards,





Please find below a set of equations I am trying to obtain the solution for. It has three lines:

Line 1: focdeltapioptS2Tbeta_eg :=

Line 2: focbetapioptS2Tbeta_eg :=

Line 3: optS2Tset := {solve({focbetapioptS2Tbeta_eg=0, focdeltapioptS2Tbeta_eg=0}, {beta, delta})};

Additional information that can be used in solving the two equations is is 0<= beta, delta <= 1. If the constraints cannot be incorporated explicitly for any reasons, then at least obtaining all possible sets of solutions for beta and delta would help. 

Thank you,





focdeltapioptS2Tbeta_eg := 2.*delta*(-8.016120437*10^13*beta-5.599041156*10^11*beta^4-9.950892840*10^12*beta^3+4.172202042*10^9*beta^2*delta^6-3.593992717*10^11*beta^5*delta^2-5.153172141*10^12*beta^4*delta^2+1.100201852*10^9*beta^4*delta^8+3.667339507*10^8*beta^6*delta^8-3.667339507*10^8*beta^3*delta^8-1.100201852*10^9*beta^5*delta^8+2.670209307*10^9*beta^4*delta^4+1.032944471*10^10*beta^3*delta^4+2.114848520*10^13*beta^2*delta^2-1.562440115*10^13*beta^3*delta^2-6.630411895*10^9*beta^3*delta^6-1.582188745*10^10*beta*delta^4+1.713992189*10^9*beta^5*delta^6+7.442176619*10^8*beta^4*delta^6+2.822233434*10^9*beta^2*delta^4+2.464874192*10^10*beta*delta^2+2.000000000*10^10*delta^2-5.383607038*10^13*beta^2)/(-2636.981242*beta^2*delta^2+2636.981242*beta*delta^2-4108.123654*beta-10000.)^3:

focbetapioptS2Tbeta_eg := (.8333333333*(1.784795533*10^13*beta^4*delta^6-1.780394727*10^13*beta^5*delta^6-5.910514827*10^13*beta^2*delta^4-5.501009263*10^10*beta^8*delta^6+1.701903476*10^14*beta*delta^2+1.100201852*10^10*beta^9*delta^6+1.100201852*10^11*beta^7*delta^6+5.842965601*10^12*beta^6*delta^6-3.878841795*10^13*beta+2.205824535*10^11*beta^5+1.735006720*10^11*beta^4+4.159889289*10^10*beta^6+7.379516540*10^12*beta^3-6.234247772*10^11*beta^6*delta^4+5.141976568*10^10*beta^8*delta^4-1.126878340*10^12*beta^5*delta^2-3.757524927*10^13*beta^4*delta^4+1.556869544*10^13*beta^5*delta^4-8.051300147*10^10*beta^7*delta^4+1.496707827*10^11*beta^6*delta^2+8.010627926*10^10*beta^7*delta^2+1.459035087*10^13-9.619344526*10^13*delta^2+2.590921095*10^11*beta^2-5.952985789*10^12*beta^3*delta^6+2.536603101*10^13*beta*delta^4+1.142130779*10^13*beta^4*delta^2-3.282217618*10^13*beta^2*delta^2-5.169893249*10^13*beta^3*delta^2+5.639818880*10^13*beta^3*delta^4))/((-1.+beta)^2*(-2636.981242*beta^2*delta^2+2636.981242*beta*delta^2-4108.123654*beta-10000.)^3):

optS2Tset := {solve({focbetapioptS2Tbeta_eg=0, focdeltapioptS2Tbeta_eg=0}, {beta, delta})};



@Preben Alsholm 

Hi Preben,

Thank you for the response.

Unfortunately, fsolve gives only one solution that may not be correct. There is other solution that is not printed but it is valid. Hence, solve command is used. How do we obtain all solutions that satisfy conditions 0<=x,y<=1? I can take it forward from there. 




@Carl Love 

Dear Carl,

Thank you for the quick response. Based on your suggestions, I tried the TRY function. Unfortunately, the program still exits the loop the moment there is an error message of division by zero. Not sure what the issue is.



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