one man

Alexey Ivanov

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18 Badges

12 years, 220 days

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These are answers submitted by one man

Just in case, search for "Draghilev method" (or Dragilev here: )
The method, in particular, finds continuous solutions of systems with free variables (underdetermined systems of equations).

You can do this:

 a := plot({seq((6*x-2*t)/x^2, t = 1 .. 3)}, x = -1 .. 5, y = -1 .. 6):
 b := plot(3/x, x = 0 .. 5, y = -1 .. 6, color = black, thickness = 3):
 plots[display](a, b)


Since childhood, I try to avoid strict zeros in coordinates (and generally avoid strictly identical values) due to formulas, because expressions may be nullified after substitution. It is better to shift the point o or d along the oX axis, for example:

point(o, 0.1e-11, 0.); 
point(A, 0., 1.); 
point(d, 0., 2.);
point(F, .8944271920, 1.4472135960); 
line(lOD, [o, d]); 
line(lAF, [A, F]); 
alpha := FindAngle(lOD, lAF);

alpha = 1.107148718

CompleteSquare(x^2+y^2-2*x-y-2 = 10, x);


EQ2 :=-1186578.220*R*k^2*wr-312683.0293*k^5-288960.9621*k^3*R:
 allvalues(solve([EQ1, EQ2], [k, wr]));


Looks like he's alive and well. Those who have lost hope of communicating with this person can find him, for example, here and here.


allvalues(solve({eq1, eq2}, {A, B}));

For calculating the kinematics of the manipulator, Maple of almost any version is quite suitable directly. If a system of nonlinear equations is used to describe the model of a manipulator, then it is very easy mathematically to fix any desired degree of freedom.
Perhaps you can be useful the messages, which can be found at this link:


Is this way acceptable?

f := d+(c*x^3+b*x^2)*(x-1)+(b*x^2+d)^3*(a+x);
sort(collect(expand(f), x), x, ascending);
sort(collect(expand(f), x), x, descending);

There is a universal approach in plots[implicitplot3d]. It can be used also for other equations.
(In the text, any combination of multiplication of two equations.)

 implicitplot(x^2*y^2-2*x*y^3+y^4-y^3+x^2 = 1, x = 100 .. 1000, y = 0 .. 1000, numpoints = 100000);

The first that came to mind

restart: with(plots): with(plottools):
c := fieldplot3d([r*sin(t)*cos(p), r*sin(t)*sin(p), r*cos(t)], r = 1 .. 2, t = 0 .. 2*Pi, p = 0 .. 2*Pi, coords = spherical, grid = [25, 25, 25]):
s := sphere([0, 0, 0], 1, color = white, style = surface):

display(c, view = [-1 .. 1, -1 .. 1, -1 .. 1]);
display(c, s, view = [-1 .. 1, -1 .. 1, -1 .. 1])

>? trig

For example:

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