petit loup

40 Reputation

5 Badges

11 years, 108 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by petit loup

Certainly a standard question.

I have an integer n*n matrix A (the entries are explicitly integers; there is no variable -type x- in the matrix). I want the Smith normal form of A, that is A=UDV where U,V are integer matrices with determinant +-1 and D is a diagonal matrix with -eventually- some zero and positive integers d_i s.t. d_i divides d_{i+1}.

"SmithForm()" doesn't work directly (I get rational -non integer- matrices). Maybe it is necessary to declare the matrix A as 'Matrix(integer)' ...
Thank you in advance for your help.

Hello, I would like to integrate a Maple sheet into a LaTeX sheet. How to do ? Thanks in advance.

X is a real random matrix of dimension n; its entries are i.i.d. variables.

They follow the standard normal law N(0,1).

I want to write a big sample. For that, I use the following two lines:

roll := RandomVariable(Normal(0, 1))

X := Matrix(n, proc (i, j) options operator, arrow; (Sample(roll))(1)[1] end proc)

Is there a method that does the calculations faster ??

Thanks in advance.


 Good morning all.
Consider $A=[a_{i,j}]$, a $18\times 18$ matrix (for example); the integer entries are randomly chosen in $[[-5,5]]$ (for example). In general, $A$ has distinct eigenvalues.

I seek the eigen-elements of $B=Transpose(A^{-1})A$ with $10$ significand digits (for example); in general, $B$ is diagonalizable ($P^{-1}BP=D$, a diagonal complex matrix). I use the command $evalf(Eigenvectors(?))$.

Many randomized tests require working with hundreds of Digits. The worst one requires $629$ digits!! Moreover (in this test), when $Digits:=400$, the condition number of $P$ is $10^{118}$ and , with $Digits:=619$, the condition number drops to $376$.

I am surprised by this instability. In particular, this method seems to be unusable when $n=100$.
Does there exist a method (using maple) which allows to solve the problem without dragging behind me a multitude of digits ? (perhaps with iterations...)
Thanks in advance.


Hi all. I have two questions about polynomials over Q.

i) Let f,g be polynomials over Q. How to show (with Maple) that the decomposition field of f is included in the decomposition field of g?

ii) Let f be a polynomial of degree n  over Q with Galois group C_n, the cyclic group of order n. Then, there is a polynomial P with coefficients in Q, of degree n-1, s.t. the iteration: u0=some root of f, u_{k+1}=P(u_k) gives all the roots of f; how to find P (with Maple)?

Thanks in advance.

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