
10 Reputation

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14 years, 12 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by pgr

i looked at the second eps file. the important lines are these 3:


%%BoundingBox: 0 0 141 339 

0.0282 0.0282 scale

drawborder { ... 12056 ... }


 if i calculate 12056*0.0282=339.9792. since the bb clips at 339 (and the border has a thickness of 0.282), the border is not visible. if i change that number to 340 all is well.

i conclude that maple simply rounds wrongly here. i assume that a similar problem causes the first issue, but this is much harder to reverse engineer. are maple people reading this forum? they might have a quick look at their bounding box calculation code and tell me if and how to adjust it and fix it for the next version. i dont want to go through the trouble and parse the eps file myself for the highest appearing numbers. 

i thought there might be some little command line tool which analyzes an eps file and sets the bounding box according to the actual content (just like trimming white borders in photoshop). but either i am googling wrongly or it doesnt. does anyone know of such a tool?






edit: i just read through the first file. the largest appearing x coordinate is 4500, times 0.0282 is 126.9, the right edge of the bb is set to 126. setting it to 127 fixes the image. so same problem. is there a maple bug tracker?

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