
10 Reputation

2 Badges

14 years, 12 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by pgr

i am successfully transforming a 2D plot, when doing the exact analog thing to a 3D plot i get the error message 

Error, (in t) invalid input: unknown uses a 3rd argument, z, which is missing


i have no idea what's going on, please advise.


i made a minimum example:

this works:

> restart:with(plots):with(plottools):
> norm2:=x->x[1]^2+x[2]^2:
> N:=[0,1]:
> phi:=(x,y)->N+2*([x,y]-N)/norm2([x,y]-N):

hi. i sometimes want to see how a subset A of the complex plane behaves under a certain mapping f. i plot A in red and f(A) in blue into the same plot. no problem so far.


but i also want to see how certain points are mapped to better understand the mapping. in some old maple version (like 5) i hacked that in by running through the plot structure and add green lines from z to f(z) for like every 10th entry to the plot.


now in maple...

hi. i am regularly plotting subsets of the complex plane. but i have not figured out yet how i can have the vertical axis labeled with i, 2i, 3i, ... instead of 1, 2, 3, ...


how do i do it?

> restart: with(plots):

> plotopts:="portrait,color,noborder,leftmargin=0,bottommargin=0,width=5cm,height=12cm":
> plotsetup(eps, plotoutput="test.eps", plotoptions=plotopts):
> plot(x^2,x=-5..5);

> plotopts:="portrait,color,leftmargin=0,bottommargin=0,width=5cm,height=12cm":
> plotsetup(eps, plotoutput="test_.eps", plotoptions=plotopts):
> plot(x^2,x=-5..5);


this creates two files, test.eps and test_.eps....


this is my procedure, i think its obvious what its supposed to do, but it doesnt.


#plot p to file filename with size width cm x height cm

> makeeps := proc(p, filename, width, height);

>   plotsetup(eps, plotoutput=filename,  

>   plotoptions="portrait,noborder,color,leftmargin=0,bottommargin=0,width="||width||"cm,height="||height||"cm");

>   display(p);

>   plotsetup(default); 

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