
12 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 221 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by r0dx

Dear folks... Can you find me some way to do this substitution in a better/easy way ?? Hw := subs(cos(w) = (1/z+z)*1/2, cos(2*w) = (1/z^2+z^2)*1/2, cos(3*w) = (1/z^3+z^3)*1/2, cos(4*w) = (1/z^4+z^4)*1/2, cos(4*w) = (1/z^4+z^4)*1/2, cos(5*w) = (1/z^5+z^5)*1/2, cos(6*w) = (1/z^6+z^6)*1/2, cos(7*w) = (1/z^7+z^7)*1/2, cos(8*w) = (1/z^8+z^8)*1/2, Hw) The list is already big and I've to add more for sin functions... cos (n*w/2) is later on the list... is there something like subs(cos(n*w) = (1/z^n+z^n)*1/2,Hw) ??? Or rather to do a z-transform directly ??
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