
13 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 162 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by r2matthews

Hi, I've been experimenting with the quaternionspackage. (The free download, not the commercial package). There seems to be an error in the calculation of the inverse: with (Quaternions); [*, +, -, Qabs, Qadd, Qamplitude, Qangle, Qarccos, Qarccosh, Qarccot, Qarccoth, Qarccsc, Qarccsch, Qarcsec, Qarcsech, Qarcsin, Qarcsinh, Qarctan, Qarctanh, Qargument, Qaxial, Qceil, Qcolatitude, Qconjugate, QconvertToFrac, Qcos, Qcosh, Qcot, Qcoth, Qcsc, Qcsch, Qdefine, QdivLeft, QdivRight, Qdot, Qeval, Qexp, Qfloor, Qfrac, Qicoeff, Qinverse, QisCommutable, QisEqual, QisPure, QisScalar, Qjcoeff, Qkcoeff, Qlength, Qln, Qlongitude, Qmagnitude,
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