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17 years, 215 days

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These are answers submitted by rasha

but it does not give me the values of the fitting parameters a and b and there is another thing I want to know : the command p := plot(m:-Results(leastsquaresfunction),t=0..50): means that it substitutes all the values of t from 0 to 50 or only the values in the data file for example if the values are: 1,2.3,4.8,5,6.9,7,8.9,10 can I use t=0..10?
I always have this problem Maple plot the data points and refused to plot the fitted equation.I uploaded test.mws The link can be found in the Download Download 5178_test.mws
View file details and also 50n.txt is found at: Download 5178_50n.txt
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it does not work with me, I always have prblems with the plotting commands,always Maple says that: Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region
To read data from file and fit it to a known equation,for example y=a*x+b I used the commands: fs := ImportMatrix("C:\\Fit\\test.dat"): with(Statistics):eq:=Fit(BesselK(a*x+b,fs[1....200,1],fs[1...200,2],x); but I do not know how to let Maple calculate the values of y for each x after I knew the parameters a and b from the fitting.and how I can plot the fitting equation to compare it with the plot of the data to know is the fitting is good or know.
To read data from file and fit it to a known equation,for example y a*x+b I used the commands: fs := ImportMatrix("C:\\Fit\\test.dat"): with(Statistics):eq:=Fit(BesselK(a*x+b,fs[1....200,1],fs[1...200,2],x); but I do not know how to let Maple calclate the values of y for each x after I knew the parameters a and b from the fitting.and how I can plot the fitting equation to compare it with the plot of the data to know is the fitting is good or know.
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