
40 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 215 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by rasha

To read data from file and fit it to a known equation,for example y a*x+b I used the commands: fs := ImportMatrix("C:\\Fit\\test.dat"): with(Statistics):eq:=Fit(BesselK(a*x+b,fs[1....200,1],fs[1...200,2],x); but I do not know how to let Maple calclate the values of y for each x after I knew the parameters a and b from the fitting.and how I can plot the fitting equation to compare it with the plot of the data to know is the fitting is good or know.
How can I make maple read data from file.dat and fit it in a nonlinearfit.thanks.R
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