
4 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 230 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by rcancro

Hello, I'm trying to make a wrapper procedure that will launch an external program with some dynamic arguments. To do this I created a proc and used the launch command from the process package. My procedure seems to be syntactically correct, but when I run it all it does is echo the procedure code. Since nothing was working I have created a simplified procedure that simply tries to launch Notepad. Instead of launching notepad it just echos out the source of the procedure: My definition of the procedure RunNotepad: > RunNotepad() := proc() > use process in > launch("notepad.exe");
Hello, I am working on a program that creates symbolic algebraic expressions. I'd like to be able to "export" these to Maple. Ideally I'd like to have a menu option "Send to Maple" that would either start Maple or find an existing running version. It would then simply paste the expression in Maple syntax into the open UI. The OpenMaple API seems to only give access to the kernel which appears (and rightly so) to know nothing of the UI. Is this the case? Is there any API that would allow me to paste to an open Maple window? I tried enumerating all open Windows via MS Windows API functions. But since the Maple UI is Java based I couldn't get a pointer to the window...plus this seemed to be a pretty hacky solution to me.
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