
113 Reputation

3 Badges

15 years, 349 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by rnibali


Given following list:

vec := [[`@`(1, {.34}), `@`(2, {.4})], [[], 1], [[], 2], 3];

Applying the indets function to vec[1] yields

indets(vec[1], numeric);
              {1, 2, 0.34, .4}

Given a list where we have identical elements (in this case the floats)

vec := [[`@`(1, {.4}), `@`(2, {.4})], [[], 1], [[], 2], 3];

The following yields


I'm currently doing some proof of concept implementation of what comes closest to be described as "network flow" problem inside Maple. The current applicability is limited to one source and one sink, flows are not interesting, meaning the edge-costs are all equally set to 1. The chosen vector-based representation for a simple network (adjacency matrix)


  S 1 2 E
S 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 0 1
E 0 0 0 0

is as follows:

MM := [[2], S, [[1, 2], [[], 1], [[], 2]], E]


I'd like to perform following operation as gracefully and computationally inexpensive as possible:

b := [[2, 3], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
c := b[2 .. nops(b)]
c[b[1, 1]] := c[b[1, 2]]
c := ListTools:-MakeUnique(c)
c[b[1, 1]] := max(c) + 1;

b[1] always contains a list of two consecutive indices which should be combined into one element of the list and having assigned the largest integer in the list. In the about example:

To whom it may concern:

It appears that 'GraphTheory[Trail]' is missing from the Maple help function. Am I overlooking something? I am running Maple 12.01.




I would like to save the output of a plot structure (resulting graph) or a combination of multiple plots (using display[list]) into a PNG or postscript file from within a procedure. I have managed to successfully save a plot in one of the graphics format using this approach (Pseudo-Code):

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