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9 years, 35 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by roya2001

hi.for linear coupling equation

dsys3 := {-72.49829200*(diff(f1(x), x, x))+0.8377580411e-2*(diff(f2(x), x))-8.873545400*10^9*(diff(f3(x), x))+2.114533515*10^18*f1(x), -878.8477313*(diff(f2(x), x, x))+1.590065471*10^20*f2(x)-7.353421206*10^(-26)*(diff(f3(x), x, x))+4.891459762*10^10*f3(x), 4.027667395*10^(-20)*(diff(f3(x), x, x, x, x))-0.6274394007e-2*(diff(f3(x), x, x))+8.873545401*10^9*(diff(f1(x), x))-7.352113720*10^(-26)*(diff(f2(x), x, x))+4.904509456*10^10*f2(x)+1.208381068*10^19*f3(x)-2.499990383*10^26*omega*(diff(f3(x), x, x))}

by assuming and to expand these functions(f1-f2-f3) in polynomial form(e.g. Chebyshev, power polynomials, Legendre and etc).:

f1(x):=(∑)H[i] *(e)^(lambda[i] *x); f2(x):=(∑)alpha[i]*H[i] *(e)^(lambda[i] *x);f3(x):=(∑)GAMMA[i]*H[i] *(e)^(lambda[i] *x)


how i detemine lambda[i] which are roots of the  characteristic equations?in other word how i can build characteristic relation for coupling equation?

2)how i can gain value for alpha[i] and GAMMA[i]

by using equation

Q1 := subs(x = 0, sum(H[i]*exp(lambda[i]*x), i = 1 .. 8)); Q2 := subs(x = L, sum(H[i]*exp(lambda[i]*x), i = 1 .. 8)); Q3 := subs(x = 0, sum(alpha[i]*H[i]*exp(lambda[i]*x), i = 1 .. 8)); Q4 := subs(x = L, sum(alpha[i]*H[i]*exp(lambda[i]*x), i = 1 .. 8)); Q5 := subs(x = 0, sum(GAMMA[i]*H[i]*exp(lambda[i]*x), i = 1 .. 8)); Q6 := subs(x = L, sum(GAMMA[i]*H[i]*exp(lambda[i]*x), i = 1 .. 8)); M := diff(sum(GAMMA[i]*H[i]*exp(lambda[i]*x), i = 1 .. 8), x); Q7 := subs(x = 0, M); Q8 := subs(x = L, M)



hi.please see attached file and help me

"initial Newton iteration is not converging" in dsolve cople equations

hi .please see attached file below and help me


hi every one..

how i solve numerically  couple equations which attached below .in solve this equation we must  starting from a very small value of V(voltage) with initial guesses for x1 and x3

near zero and using find root is noted that  the solution at this voltage step are used as initial guesses

for the next voltage step, and the process is repeated..


hi i a have a problem with program which attached..please help me

thanks alot

dsys3 := {(diff(w(x), x, x, x, x))/x^2 = .4/(x^3*(1-w(x))^3)+40*(1+.65*(1-w(x)))/(x*(1-w(x))^2), w(0) = 0, w(1) = 0, ((D@@1)(w))(0) = 0, ((D@@1)(w))(1) = 0}

dsol5 := dsolve(dsys3, numeric, output = array([.5]))

Error, (in dsolve/numeric/bvp) system is singular at left endpoint, use midpoint method instead

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