
20 Reputation

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16 years, 263 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by rsadesky

Thanks! This worked like a charm! I'll have to apply this to the other graphs that are doing this as well.
Thanks! This worked like a charm! I'll have to apply this to the other graphs that are doing this as well.
This worked a little - but there are still some areas that are not white as they should be. It's closer though!
This worked a little - but there are still some areas that are not white as they should be. It's closer though!
I am trying to fill the region between the two curves. I tried replacing my {} with [], and it didn't change anything. It's as if the program is ignoring the commands with the fill color of white. At one point I had it working by using a different color besides white, but then again, when I re-executed the worksheet, it ignored those lines again. Thanks for the suggestion though.
I am trying to fill the region between the two curves. I tried replacing my {} with [], and it didn't change anything. It's as if the program is ignoring the commands with the fill color of white. At one point I had it working by using a different color besides white, but then again, when I re-executed the worksheet, it ignored those lines again. Thanks for the suggestion though.
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