
20 Reputation

2 Badges

16 years, 271 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by rsadesky

I am trying to plot a graph of two functions and fill between the two lines. The code I have seems to work as I type it, but when I remove the output and re-execute it completely ignores the 'white' fillings. Here is the code I have so far: restart:with(plots): First I assign to u and v to the equations. u:=0.21e-1*x^3-0.947e-1*x^2-1.77*x+1.79; v:=-0.451e-2*x^3-0.473e-1*x^2+.243*x+4.74; Then I plot the functions and find the intercepts. plot([u,v],x=-8..11,y=-9..7,color=[blue,green]); inters:=fsolve(u=v); x_int_u:=fsolve(u); x_int_v:=fsolve(v); Plot again and shade the regions of interest.
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