
108 Reputation

2 Badges

15 years, 203 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by saeid

Hi all,

I need to obtain the partial derivative of the following functional, with respect to "a" and "b":

for example, diff(p(a(t),b(t)), a) or diff(p(a(t),b(t)), b)

I am using Maple 12, but it returns 0 while using the above command. Does anybody know how to enter the correct commands?

Thank you in advance,



For solving a 2nd order hyperbolic PDE numerically (pdsolve/numeric), is it possible to choose more restricted and different time/space ranges, rather than what is defined in initial/boundary conditions? (assuming the fact that one defined Cauchy initial conditions for time variable at t[0], and Dirichlet boundary condition for space variable) thanks

Is Maple able to solve a 2nd order Hyperbolic PDE numerically, with some complex initial/boundary conditions?  what about Mathemaica?

I appreciate any help.


I need to solve a 2 order hyperbolic PDE (The Wheeler-DeWitt equation for a closed universe), numerically, with some sort of complex initial/boundary conditions. It seems that the program is executed and the module is returned, but while I use the plot, plot3d, value… commands for different values of time variable (\phi), the following error is appeared on my Maple 12 worksheet:

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