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9 years, 324 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by sand15


Let's take the last example (Maple 2019) given in help[sparsematrixplot] (representation of the adjacency matrix of a graph).
Vertices of this graph are labelled 1, 2, ...20.
Suppose I change these names as a, b, ...t.
I would like the tickmarks of the sparsematrixplot output match the names of the vertices of the graph, and not the integers 1, 2, ..20

I tried this:
S := [$1..20] =~ StringTools:-Char~(96 +~  [$1..20]);
plots:-sparsematrixplot(..., tickmarks=[S, S])

But the only the tickmars of the columns are changed, not those of the rows.

Is it possible to change the names of the tickmarks ?

Thanks in advance.


Defining variables named H2 or O2 doesn't pose any problem (H__2 for instance), but could it be possible in Maple 2019 to define a variable named H2O2 ?

Thanks in advance


I have a set of functions of the form P :=  { a(t), b(t), f(g(t)), u(v(w(t)), A(a(t), b(t)), ... } and I want to obtain the set Q := { a(t), b(t), g(t), w(t) } (that is the set of the innermost functions)
Since more than an hour I'm fighting without success with select and parmatch and I'm desperatly askink for your help.

Thanks in advance
PS : the list P only contains functions of t, never of t and of another variables.


Here are two sequences of commands that should give the same kind of plots. But, while the first one returns the expected display, the second doesn't (look to the labels on the histogram plot).

There is no hidden character that could explain this second display. Just that I proceeded this way:

  1. I executed the second sequence once.
  2. Then I told myself that displaying the histogram was superfluous, so I replaced its final semicolon with a colon.
  3. And I finally thought that, no, the histogram had a real interest and that I should display it; and I restored the semcolon (this is what you can see on the second sequence).
    And this add to the histogram the labels inherited from the second plot ...

Nothing dramatic here, but was the development team aware of this curiosity?



N := 10:
S := Statistics:-Sample(Normal(0, 1), 10)^+:
plots:-logplot(<  < [$1..N]> | S >, labels=["A", "B"]);




N := 10:
S := Statistics:-Sample(Normal(0, 1), 10)^+:
plots:-logplot(<  < [$1..N]> | S >, labels=["A", "B"]);







I have written a module M which contains some procedures P1, P2, ...
This module contains the statement option package.

In a separate worksheet I type the command L := with(M) to load this module and stack in the list L the names of all the procedures M contains.
I would like now to use showstat to display the content of all these procedures..

I thus typed:
for p in L do  showstat(p) end do;

I got an error saying that showstat expects a name as argument.
In the command above p is not a name but a symbol.

Is there a possibility to "showstat" all the procedures M contains ?

Motivation:I'd like to count the number of command lines in module M (showstat removes the lines of comments) ... maybe there exist an other way than using showstat ?

Thanks in advance

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