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19 years, 0 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by sarcasmo

We use maple to generate all of our computational bits, dump this out to header files, and include this in our code base. A lot of the code that is generated is redundant so it would be nice to have codegen[C] know, or at least be able to be told, to optimize the entire code being dumped to the same header file. Is this possible? Examples follow... " ..... DCb := array(1..3): lp:='lp':ip:='ip':m:='m':ap:='ap':jp:='jp':a:='a':l:='l':j:='j':i:='i':k:='k':kp:='kp': for ip from 1 to 3 do DCb[ip] := sum(sum(sum(sum(sum(gd[ip,jp]*gu[ap,lp]*jacu[m,lp]*jacu[a,ap]*dJ[jp,m,a],m=1..3),jp=1..3),lp=1..3),ap=1..3),a=1..3):
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