
295 Reputation

7 Badges

17 years, 2 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by scumath

"Your images here all look like Chinese error messages"

Thanks for your kind reminder. Sorry  I didn't notice it. Yes my images are linked from a Chinese site. In my computer, I don't find any difference of your image and mine.
You mean that all the images I posted are unreadable?

I am now trying the way you suggested.



Tell me if these images/animations are OK now? Thank you.

The following would work:

 K:=30: for i from 1 to K do ti:=i*2*Pi/K:
 curve[i]:=polarplot(r(t), t=0..ti) od:
 C:=display(seq(curve[i],i=1..K), insequence=true):
 display(C, scaling=constrained,tickmarks=[0,0], thickness=3,insequence=true);

Yes, it works. Thank you.  Just use "insequence=true" twice.

The following would work:

 K:=30: for i from 1 to K do ti:=i*2*Pi/K:
 curve[i]:=polarplot(r(t), t=0..ti) od:
 C:=display(seq(curve[i],i=1..K), insequence=true):
 display(C, scaling=constrained,tickmarks=[0,0], thickness=3,insequence=true);

Yes, it works. Thank you.  Just use "insequence=true" twice.


f:=x->x: g:=x->x^2:

F:=spacecurve([x,f(x),0],x=-0.2..1.2,color=blue, thickness=3):

G:=spacecurve([x,g(x),0],x=-0.2..1.2,color=red, thickness=3):

region:=plot3d([x,y,0],x=0..1,y=g(x)..f(x),color=grey, style=patchnogrid):

FG:=display(region,F,G,axes=normal, scaling=constrained):


The above will produce the graph:


But the following do not work (I use Maple 8):

f:=x->x: g:=x->x^2:
F:=spacecurve([x,f(x),0],x=-0.2..1.2,color=blue, thickness=3):
G:=spacecurve([x,g(x),0],x=-0.2..1.2,color=red, thickness=3):
region:=plot3d([x,y,0],x=0..1,y=g(x)..f(x),color=grey, style=patchnogrid):
FG:=display(region,F,G,axes=normal, scaling=constrained):

Plotting error, vertex requires three components

Thanks for your suggestion on using "Transfom", which I didn't know before.

Maybe you are using a new version of Maple?

I use Maple 8.

Maybe you are using a new version of Maple?

I use Maple 8.

But it doesn't work.

restart: with(plots):

Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined

Error, (in animate) bad range arguments: [sin(3*t), t = 0 .. x], x = 0 .. Pi

But it doesn't work.

restart: with(plots):

Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined

Error, (in animate) bad range arguments: [sin(3*t), t = 0 .. x], x = 0 .. Pi

Yes, it works.
But what is the difference between your codes and the first of mine?

Yes, it works.
But what is the difference between your codes and the first of mine?

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