
5 Reputation

One Badge

6 years, 249 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by sebdemant


Can anyone help me with this problem, i need maple to solve 8 non linear equations with 8 unknowns. Ive searched the entire internet, and this is what ive scripted so far. However there seems to be a problem with the solve command.

Ive copied the code beneath and posted the maple file aswell


g := 9.82;
p := 999.7;
u := 1.307*10^(-3);

F1 := 18 = x__1^2/(2*g) + x__2;

F2 := x__2 = x__3*13/0.1*x__4^2/(2*g) + x__5*35/0.05*x__1^2/(2*g) + x__6*x__4^2/(2*g) + x__7*x__1^2/(2*g);

F3 := 0.1*p*x__4/u = 0.1*p*x__4/u;

F4 := 0.05*p*x__1/u = 0.05*p*x__1/u;

F5 := 1/sqrt(x__3) = -2*log*2.51/(F3*sqrt(x__3));

F6 := 1/sqrt(x__5) = -2*log*2.51/(F4*sqrt(x__5));

F7 := x__4 = 0.05/0.1*x__1;

F8 := x__8 = x__1*Pi*0.05^2/2;

solve({F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8}, [x__1, x__2, x__3, x__4, x__5, x__6, x__7, x__8]);
Error, invalid input: solve expects its 1st argument, eqs, to be of type {`and`, `not`, `or`, algebraic, relation(algebraic), ({list, set})({`and`, `not`, `or`, algebraic, relation(algebraic)})}, but received {18 = 0.5091649695e-1*x__1^2+x__2, x__2 = 6.619144604*x__3*x__4^2+35.64154786*x__5*x__1^2+0.5091649695e-1*x__6*x__4^2+0.5091649695e-1*x__7*x__1^2, x__4 = .5000000000*x__1, x__8 = 0.3926990818e-2*x__1, 1/x__3^(1/2) = (-0.6563108934e-4*log/(x__3^(1/2)*x__4) = -0.6563108934e-4*log/(x__3^(1/2)*x__4)), 1/x__5^(1/2) = (-0.1312621786e-3*log/(x__5^(1/2)*x__1) = -0.1312621786e-3*log/(x__5^(1/2)*x__1)), 38244.07039*x__1 = 38244.07039*x__1, 76488.14078*x__4 = 76488.14078*x__4}

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