
75 Reputation

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1 years, 263 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by segfault


As I said, the Maple bug is not part of my question. I will contact Maple directly about that as it is an obvious bug that cannot be fixed here.

Otherwise, I posted a simple definition of the Ricci tensor.

You do not need more.

You paste what I copied above into a new worksheet, and add what you want in the preamble and show me how to contract over the alpha and beta indices. simple as that.

No need for cluttering worksheet.

I went through their Tensor/differential Geometry and Physics help pages, and nowhere could I find to contract tensor expressions.

Easy as that, we dont have to argue.



"It could be that there is a typesetting way to change a displayed symbol to something bigger. I have no idea how this could be applied to operators. "

This is what I am looking for.

Anyone know if I can substitute the dot currently used in Maple22 with an asterisk ?


You meant Maple 22  ?
I invert the colors for the Maple windows only with a compositor, so that I have at least eyes left after 6 hours.
Absolutely brutal that Maple Devs to this day fails to impliment eye-safe custom canvas and color schemes. I wonder if they even care ?

I use Linux
Here it is with white (blow-your-eyes-out) canvas straight vanilla as installed.

Same problem


Would be nice to have it like you show, as was the case by default in versions previous to 2022.

Look at the microscopics I have to deal with.

Image attached.


I asked them directly during 15 years several times.

They are just not interested.

So I have to ask users if they did not get to a creative solution, like you did as an example.


I wonder if they ever going to get seriious about bringing the interface into the 21st century.


That only contains .MAS.bak files and shows eg none of the files that are currently listed in the 10 file recents.

Doesnt work

How do I increase the list of 10 to list of say 100  ??

That is very handy thanks. Never came accross this command.


Thank you for your answer.
That is exactly what I want to avoid, as next line through e.g.  a simplification after manipulations, maple undo the expression straight back to cos^2x
Annoying as heck.

The use of "extraction" is an American thing.

It comes afaik, from slang developed in the financial industry. e.g To "extract wealth".

It refers more to preditory processes than e.g. mathematics.

Not very common to use extraction in this context in British english and mathematics or peaceful intellectual persuits.

So it is an americanism which became commonplace to use in the USA.

@Carl Love 
Thank you very much !!

Solved a huge aggravation I could not find a solution for.

@Rouben Rostamian  
Maple 9.5 beats 22 hands down in ease of use in most instances where both can perform the same task. In a lot of ways, 22 is a regression.

Regarding Heap switch, thanks for pointing out where you found the clue. This solves a long aggravation I have with Maple not being able to load a file it saved. If a file could display when saved, it should be able to be loaded again, which Is NOT the case with 22 until you find a way to increase the puny 8 bit heap size to something usable like 16 bit.

Thanks a lot. You saved me a lot of headache. I asked Maple years ago why this happens and they had no clue. But somehow you as user know.... It is really telling isn't it. ??

Last Questions.

The switch works great for xmaple22.

Once I increased the Heap size, it could load the file it previously could not.

Took about 3 minutes, but loaded it completely and I could suppress the volumous output that caused the heap overflow.

Question: The heap size you quoted is 16-bit, what is the official  upper heap limit ? 16, 32, 64 bit or something inbetween ?

Question: Do you maybe know if there is a switch or similar option for Maple 9.5 as it would be nice to increase the heap size for that too.

@Rouben Rostamian  

Very helpful thanks.

The Web is full of solutions that dont work fro maple and none listed this simple switch

Regarding second question: Maple should really add an option to load a file without output stored.

The interface did not change any since Maple 9.5 and I still have the same bugs in Maple22 as I had in Maple 9.5.

Not much care is given to the UI w.r.t users by the developers. It is becoming a problem.

Thanks for your kind help

It is appreciated.


Has this ever been resolved ?

Maple22 still outputs all this signum nonsense since about Maple17,  which makes expansions very difficult to simplify.

I moved back to Maple 9 !! and that just works absolutely great. I can manipulate expansions accurately and simplify easily.
Maple22 also takes 30% longer to compute the same document as Maple 9.
I really start to wonder why I bought Maple 22. Net negative experience.

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