
25 Reputation

2 Badges

12 years, 173 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by smiths

How do I draw three vectors on the same axis of coordinates, I see this vector appear after the previous vector one second  and on the screen when this vector appears, the previous vector remains on the screen and on the last screen I see all three vectors with the Maple command?

Example : plottools :- arrow( [1, -2], [4, -1], 0.001, 0.05, 0.1), plottools :- arrow( [-1, 3], [2, 1], 0.001, 0.05, 0.1), plottools :- arrow( [0, 2], [-3, 0], 0.001, 0.05, 0.1).

Thanks so much for the help of everyone!

How do I draw three graphs on the same axis of coordinates and I see this graph appear after the previous graph one second with the Maple command? Example : y = x, y = x2, y = 1 - x.

Thanks so much for the help of everyone!

 I am trying to solve 2 equations in maple:

 1/  solve({1<x or x<3 or x>5});

 {x=x}    solution is correct

 2/  solve({1<x or x<3 or x<5});

 {x<5}    solution is wrong

 How do I have solution correct is {x=x} in Maple?

 Please teach me about this.

 Thank you very much!

Let be the number z so that |z+3-2*I| + |z-3-8*I| = 6*sqrt(2). Find min and max of the modulus of z. How can I find min and max of modulus of z with Maple.

Thank for your help!

Thank you very much !

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