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18 years, 200 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by snehaa69

Hello Memebrs, I want to write a code in Matlab, that will find a best fit. I have 4 columns of values. The Red, Green and blue values and in the fourth column the temperature values. I want matlab to intelligently find me the best corelation between the RGB values and Temperature. Any pointers as to how i can go about doing this. Ofcourse the main goal is to get the best fit with minimum error. Thanks in advance.. (here is some raw data, it that could help) 17 13 28 380 15 10 28 386 25 14 40 392 17 13 38 398 9 8 23 404 3 2 7 411 7 9 19 418 10 12 21 426 3 4 13 434 0 0 6 442
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