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15 years, 128 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by soechristian

Hi Mapleprimes,

I have tried to search solutions online without luck. My problem is this. Suppose I have three equations:




I would solve using solve({f,g,h},{x,y,z}) which would give me solutions x*, y* and z*. I need to assign the solutions to use them in subsequent computations. I would like to impose non-negativity constraints, however. Hence, the solution of x is max(x*,0). Obviously if a non-negativity constraint binds, this affects the solutions of y* and z*. I would like to assign the solutions taking this into account. How would you propose I do this? Bear in mind that the solution of x* might be a-b where the relative magnitudes of paramenters a and b are not given. Further down in my code, I would like to assign values to parameters and then let Maple give me the solutions with the non-negativity constraints. I hope I am making sense.

Thanks very much in advance.



Dear Mapleprimes,

I have been struggling with a problem in the last couple of days. I wish to export a Maple plot to LaTeX while ensuring font consistency. While searching for solutions online, I found the psfrag package in LaTeX. So far, however, I have been unsuccesful in making this work. As as test, I attempted to export plot(x^2) to LaTeX. I used the following code to convert to .eps which worked fine:

plotsetup(ps, plotoutput = `plot1.eps`, plotoptions = `portrait, noborder,height=5in,width=5in`);plot(x^2);

Then in LaTeX, I have:





\psfrag{x}{$ \alpha $}

However, no replacements are made. After intense Google searching I found the following post which to sum up argues that this was only possible with earlier versions of Maple.

Does anyone know if the problem has been resolved?

Does anyone know any other ways to ensure font consistency for plots imported from Maple to LaTeX?

Thank you very much in advance!


Dear Mapleprimes,


I am trying to solve an Optimization problem analytically. I set up a lagrangian as follows:


L:= Objective function + mu_1 (constraint 1) + mu_2 (constraint 2)


I maximise with respect to two variables, call them x1 and x2


I want constraint one to bind but not constraint 2. Hence, I set mu_2=0. The I do:


diff(L,x1); diff(L,x2), diff(L,mu1), diff(L,mu2)

Dear Mapleprimes,


I have two equations:








I would like to divide them such that I have:




Is there any way of doing that without doing it manually?


Many thanks,



I'm trying to construct some tickmarks. I have so far found a way to do a "hat", where I use:




I also need to put a subscript and a superscript on that. Any ideas?





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