
186 Reputation

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18 years, 33 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by srozek

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your questions. There are no major changes planned based on the acquisition. Both sites, and MaplePrimes, will always be improved on an ongoing basis (as-needed), but nothing will change as a result of the change in ownership.

Our staff and office will remain the same, in Waterloo. :)


Thanks for pointing this out; someone is looking into this.


Hi Audrey,

I would suggest contacting either Maplesoft Technical Support or Customer Support (see our website for details). They should be able to help you either find your installation, or activate it if there are issues with your purchase code.

Best wishes,


This is in fact an update to Maple 13, in the Student[Calculus1] package. There are details and a movie on our website, but basically,there is a new command, ShowSolution, that has been added. You can use this to show the solution of single variable limit, differentiation or integration problems. The ShowSteps command has also been updated.

There are details in the What's New section of Maple 13's help. You can see it online too.


I spoke to our resident expert in this area, and he explained that the VectorCalculus package in fact defines vector fields as functions, and thus you don't need to define it yourself as a function.  Try:

Fx := 2*(X-u)/((X-u)^2 + Y^2)^(3/2);
Fy := 2*Y/((X-u)^2 + Y^2)^(3/2);
F := VectorField( <Fx,Fy>, cartesian[X,Y] );

~ Stephanie

The value of A *is* updated when you run your code, but you have to re-execute it in order to see it (the output in Maple won't automatically change).

One thing you could do in order to see the new value of A automatically would be to insert a MathContainer component and assign the value of A to that as well; then you'd see the change.


The decision has been made that as of September 28, 2008, the Maple engine will be sold exclusively by Maplesoft. You can view the press release for more information.


Another way I do this is to print to PDF - File>Print, and I have installed a free PDF printer which is then available from my list of printers.

On the Maple website, there is a page that addresses at least the basic changes and "what's new" for Maple releases 6-11.

In addition, you can set certain parts of the worksheet to auto-execute when it is opened. In this way, you can specify which commands to run and possibly which to avoid.  Set your cursor somewhere inside the command line and select Format>AutoExecute>Set (or Clear, if you want to revert).  If you turn Markers on (View>Markers) you will notice an icon on the left telling you the auto-execute is set for that command.

- Stephanie

Hi Lumian,

I don't know if you've looked here yet but it gives a bit of an overview of what is possible in terms of entering math in Maple. Basically, there are 2 ways of working in Maple: either the Classic view which allows you to work directly with Maple as a programming language, and the Document mode which was developed to allow users to enter math in a natural way (like writing it by hand).

Other good resources you could look at are the training movies (especially "Entering Math in Maple) and the QuickStart training (much more comprehensive). These screen capture movies actually show someone using Maple in Document mode, so it should give you a good idea of whether Maple will do what you want or not.


Depending on what you need (if it's just for yourself, or for a group, various topics) something could certainly be arranged.  I'll email you the details for our international contact at Maplesoft and we can find out more of what you need.


Hi there,

The Maple reseller in the UK is Adept Scientific; I would suggest contacting them and see what they offer.


One way you could do it is to use Maple's embedded components (buttons, math and text boxes etc).  These can be programmed behind the scenes to return whatever you want (math, text, plots...).  Mario Lemelin created a "pre-test" for calculus using these components that you could take a look at to get an idea of what is possible.

Throughout the test, the user would need to enter his answers into embedded components, either checkboxes, radio buttons, or math/text boxes, depending on what is appropriate.  You could create a button that when clicked, pulls in the user's answers (from the components they were entered in to) and determines the grade, then returns the appropriate URL etc. into a text box.

For more info on using the embedded components just type ?Embedded Components at the prompt.

- Stephanie

Hi Paul,

I'll try your last q first. You can use the Data Import assistant (Tools>Assistants>Import Data) to import your data from, for instance, an Excel or some delimited file. Maple will import the data as rtable which can be used to construct arrays, matrices, or vectors.

From the help page for this command (?pointplot3d at the Maple prompt):

"The option color=s specifies the color of the points. The allowable values for s are given in the plot/color help page. A list of n colors, where n is the number of points, may also be provided. "

It is possible you could write a Maple procedure to output a list of colours matching the 3D points you've imported.  If you can set up your data so when it imports you have 3 columns for the 3D point values as well as a corresponding 4th column indicating what DE was used, your procedure could extract this info and return a list of colours in the same order as the points.

i.e. pointplot3d({list of points}, color={list of colours}).

- Stephanie

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