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i am Physicist, i graduate with (Hons) Physics, now doing my graduate studies MSc in Physics.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by sulbash

Good evening all,

How can I plot a straightline with points 

LogAt = - 0.097,  -0.20, -0.22, -0.25, -0.30 ,-0.40, -0.45, -1.01 and

t = 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140

Where LogA[t] on y-axis and t on x-axis. 

I have try this before . 

plot([[0,-0.097], [20,-0.20], [40,-0.22], [60,-0.25], [80,-0.30], [100,-0.40],  [120,-0.45],  [140,-1.01]]);

Hello , Happy weekend ... I need a help on plot of a wavefunction give below , i have made the plot using plot3d in cylindrical coordinate. But what i need now is the Polar plot of it. And it always comes with the code ensure calling sequence is correct.

psi(r,phi):= C[0, .1]*BesselI(4, 2*lambda*exp((1/2*I)*phi))*BesselJ(2, 1/r)+C[1, .1]*BesselI(6, 2*lambda*exp((1/2*I)*phi))*BesselJ(3, 1/r)+ C[2, .1]*BesselI(8, 2*lambda*exp((1/2*I)*phi))*BesselJ(4, 1/r)+ C[3, .1]*BesselI(10, 2*lambda*exp((1/2*I)*phi))*BesselJ(5, 1/r)+ C[4, .1]*BesselI(12,2*lambda*exp((1/2*I)*phi))*BesselJ(6, 1/r)+ C[5, .1]*BesselI(14, 2*lambda*exp((1/2*I)*phi))*BesselJ(7, 1/r)+C[6, .1]*BesselI(16, 2*lambda*exp((1/2*I)*phi))*BesselJ(8, 1/r)+ C[7, .1]*BesselI(18, 2*lambda*exp((1/2*I)*phi))*BesselJ(9, 1/r);

C[0, .1]:= 2.222222222*10^11;  C[1, .1]:=8.333333333*10^18 ; C[2, .1]:=6.250000000*10^26 ; C[3, .1]:= 2.127659574*10^32; C[4, .1]:= 3.125000000*10^43 ; C[5, .1]:=1.639344262*10^52 ; C[6, .1]:=1.408450704*10^61; C[7, .1]:=1.886792453*10^70;

My 1st case:
lambda:=0.1; plot3d(abs(psi(r,phi))^2,phi=0..2*Pi,r=0..5, coords=cylindrical);

2nd case: What i want.

lambda:=0.1; plot(abs(psi(r,phi))^2,r=-0..5, phi= 0..2*Pi, coords = polar);

Is there any possibility for maple 16 or  any version, to show steps for this kind of Differential Equation.


>diff(diff(psi(x),x),x)+ ((1/4)*(-3+lambda^2)/x^2)*psi(x)-I*lambda/x^2*psi(x)+E*psi(x)=0;

it has a Bessel solution, just want to check like Hint, if substitution method can be apply, just as FROBENIUS’METHOD works. Thanks

I have a problem in excuting this differential equation in maple it takes a long time but yet no result.

> restart;

> Delta:= epsilon[2]-epsilon[1];

> epsilon[y] := epsilon[2]-(1/4)*Delta*(1-tanh(a*y))^2;

 > z:= tanh(a*y) ;

 > ODE[4]:= diff(Y(y),y,y)- ( a/2* Delta *(1-z)*(z^2-1))/(epsilon[2]- Delta*(1-z)/4)* diff(Y(y),y)-( beta^2+ mu[0]*epsilon[y]*omega^2)*Y(y) = 0;

> dsolve(ODE[4],Y(y));

does this always occur or i do have problem with my version of maple 15, 7 and 16.

Thank you, looking forward for your answers.


I want to make a plot of this function sine and imaginary cosine below,





Plotting error, empty plot.

i always recieve this Error. Can someone help me with this. You can take any range of x including Pi if you wish , and as well provide me with refrences Text book on ploting functions if He/She knows. Looking forward for feedbacks. Thank you very much .

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