
15 Reputation

One Badge

3 years, 66 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by superbee

Hello, I have the problem where my Maple worksheet involves very high-precision calculations which result in graphs with a large number of data points. This can result in the file being hundreds of MB large. However, I do not need to necessarily save all these data points inside the worksheet itself since they can easily be recreated. To save disk space, I would prefer to only save the generating commands and not any plots or array data, etc. Is there a way to do this?

My Maple worksheet, which was working fine a few days ago, suddently cannot be modified. Many elements on the top bar (execute group, execute entire worksheet, insert maple prompt) are grayed out. Additionally I cannot edit any commands in the worksheet; clicking a command does not show any cursor and keyboard input does nothing.

Apparently I have entered some kind of read-only mode. I do not know how I did this. Meanwhile, if I start a new worksheet I can edit and execute as normal.

How do I revert my worksheet back to normal?

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