
20 Reputation

2 Badges

11 years, 187 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by surania

Dear all,

I compute a 12,3 matrix in Maple and when I try to generate matlab code with optimization on, the result is a 36 element vector. Also, it warns me as "Warning, cannot resolve types, reassigning t15's type" and "Warning, cannot translate list". When I tried it without optimize=false it yields correct result but the file size is big. I have obtained the correct optimized resutls using Maple 13 before and hence i guess theres somthing to do with maple 17. Any...

Hi all,

I 've been using Maple 13 and recentely upgraded to Maple 17. But the following code yielded correct results in Maple 13 but not in Maple 17( gives an error: there is no taylor series expansion, try series).

I think there is some bug or some problem with "mtaylor" of Maple 17. Can anyone verify this?



> restart;
> with(VariationalCalculus);
> interface(prettyprint = 3);
> with(LinearAlgebra);

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