
202 Reputation

12 Badges

16 years, 77 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by tatan2501


I only pasted the "gif". The following maple file has the code of my second animation. I'm searching the another maple file.


Interesting Page. I didn't know it. Thanks.

Interesting Page. I didn't know it. Thanks.

Thanks you. I will leaf that book. I hope to find what I am searching.

Thanks you. I will leaf that book. I hope to find what I am searching.

@Robert Israel:

Thanks Robert. I found the first two. I have not been able to find the last book that you pointed.

@Robert Israel:

Thanks Robert. I found the first two. I have not been able to find the last book that you pointed.

Can't you use the same folder?


Try using "Importdata".

do you have your data file saved in the same folder than your Maple file?


If it's the same folder, you don't need to use [back|forward]slashes.



@Preben Alsholm : They are cool. I think that an animation can represent some situations better that an image.

@Robert Israel : Okey, I've never used some Maple versión older than Maple 8. Because of that, Your animations looked very rare for me.

@Robert Israel 

Were all those animations made with Maple?

@J P 

Use pdsolve.

pdsolve([(-x+y)*(diff(u(x, y), x))+(-y*(diff(u(x, y), y)))+1*u(x, y)=0,u(0,y)=g(y)],u(x,y));

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