
202 Reputation

12 Badges

16 years, 60 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by tatan2501

@J P 

Use pdsolve.

pdsolve([(-x+y)*(diff(u(x, y), x))+(-y*(diff(u(x, y), y)))+1*u(x, y)=0,u(0,y)=g(y)],u(x,y));

@J P 

Okey, I don't know your original problem. But if you want to solve a PDE, you can use pdsolve command.

pdsolve([(-x+y)*(diff(u(x, y), x))+(-y*(diff(u(x, y), y)))+c*u(x, y)=0],u(x,y));

@J P 

Okey, I don't know your original problem. But if you want to solve a PDE, you can use pdsolve command.

pdsolve([(-x+y)*(diff(u(x, y), x))+(-y*(diff(u(x, y), y)))+c*u(x, y)=0],u(x,y));

@J P 

Charcurve is your solution. What do you want to do now?

@J P 

Charcurve is your solution. What do you want to do now?

@J P Do you know how get x(s) and y(s)?

@J P Do you know how get x(s) and y(s)?

The easiest way is copying and pasting.

If you want, you can upload a file clicking the green arrow. (The last button of the tool bar).

If you send me your code, I will be able to help you. I prefer to work changing your code than writing a new code.

You must to write the following:

seq(assign('A[i,i]'=i+2), i=1..3):

If you don't define that A is a Matrix, Maple will assumes that A is a simple array. Then, you will not be able to realize matrix operations with that simple array.

You must to write the following:

seq(assign('A[i,i]'=i+2), i=1..3):

If you don't define that A is a Matrix, Maple will assumes that A is a simple array. Then, you will not be able to realize matrix operations with that simple array.

Thanks by the help. But your code for generate samples has a problem (Also my code). This code always generates the same sample.

This also occurs with the rand() command, This command always returns the same sequence of random numbers. Maple generates pseudorandom numbers, but I need Random Numbers (NOT pseudo).

I'm thinking that I will use the Import command to import the random numbers from an excel worksheet, then I will use the Inverse Function to get the Random Sample.

Thanks by the help. But your code for generate samples has a problem (Also my code). This code always generates the same sample.

This also occurs with the rand() command, This command always returns the same sequence of random numbers. Maple generates pseudorandom numbers, but I need Random Numbers (NOT pseudo).

I'm thinking that I will use the Import command to import the random numbers from an excel worksheet, then I will use the Inverse Function to get the Random Sample.

Try using 'assume' and 'additionally':


These commands define the conditions for the constants.


Good Luck. 

Try using 'assume' and 'additionally':


These commands define the conditions for the constants.


Good Luck. 

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