
15 Reputation

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6 years, 176 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by tdavid


I figerid it out, just I thought you writed exact working codes.


Thank you, it worked!

Thanks a lot again!

@Rouben Rostamian  

Thank you, for your reply. I tried to do this, but i got this message:

Warning, The use of global variables in numerical ODE problems is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. Use the 'parameters' argument instead (see ?dsolve,numeric,parameters)


can you help me with this ?


Thank you




Yes, I'm calculating the arc length. Actually rho(thera) (in my case rho(phi)) is known. I tried assumptations (maybe I do it wrong) but it generates the same problem.

The problem is when I try to solve backwards, (with fsolve) so adding the length, and searching for phi. In this case there are no solution...and I don't know what is the problem, because I can calculate the value of the length, based on the angle, but not backwards. And I think this is connected to the plot problem.

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