
4 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 236 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by thk

Cool. Thanks. I've not tried proc's before. I'll give that a spin. To answer your other questions, yes {s, p, n} are the variables; the others are fixed parameters. I already know there are 3 solutions, with {0, 0, 0} being one of them. With a bit of experimentation, I discovered that (using your names and suitable parameter values): fsolve({ds,dp,dn}, s=0..theta/rho, p=0..1,*lambda/omega) gives the smaller of the two positive solutions, and fsolve({ds,dp,dn}, s=theta/rho, p=1, n=mu*lambda/omega) finds the larger of the two. Now all to do is try writing a proc.
Cool. Thanks. I've not tried proc's before. I'll give that a spin. To answer your other questions, yes {s, p, n} are the variables; the others are fixed parameters. I already know there are 3 solutions, with {0, 0, 0} being one of them. With a bit of experimentation, I discovered that (using your names and suitable parameter values): fsolve({ds,dp,dn}, s=0..theta/rho, p=0..1,*lambda/omega) gives the smaller of the two positive solutions, and fsolve({ds,dp,dn}, s=theta/rho, p=1, n=mu*lambda/omega) finds the larger of the two. Now all to do is try writing a proc.
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