
13821 Reputation

20 Badges

14 years, 205 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by tomleslie

In an unrelated thread, I provided the OP with some 1-D code, which contained the Array definition

TC:= Array(0...1001, fill=0)

Note the existence of three '.' characters in the range specification. This was a typo on my part, or my '.' key bounced, or something. The code containing the above definition "worked" with no problem, which, presumably, was why I didn't notice.

The Maple help does state (my emphasis)

Note that more than two dots in succession are also parsed as the range (..) operator.

although I wasn't making use of this fact - I just screwed up when typing the original.

The OP preferred to use 2-D input, and used cut-and-paste to transfer the above code, resulting in 2-D input, which is where the fun started. It seems(?) that when using 2-D input, more than two dots in succession is only interpreted as a straightforward range, if the total number of dots is even.

If the total number of dots is odd, then it appears(?) as if the 'final' dot is associated with the second number in the range as a 'decimal point', (so producing .1001 in the above example). This is then 'coerced/rounded' to an integer - ie it becomes '0', and the above Array definition is interpreted as

TC:= Array(0..0, fill=0)

Consequences in the following code are left to your imagination

Worth an SCR?




Important Question
Anyone figured out how to upload a worksheet since the revamp? Big green up-arrow appears no longer functional

Less important question
Mapleprimes input window can no longer be stretched horizontally - is this deliberate?

While debugging something unrelated to Maple, I noticed in Windows task manager that the process

C:\Program Files\Maple 2016\jre\bin

had a Memory(Private Working Set) of 2,251,088K - roughly 10x the memory footprint of any other running process.

Is this normal?

Not a real issue for me (machine has 16G ram) - but it just *looks* wrong

In case it matters I'm running Maple 2016.1 on Win7, 64bit

It seems as if arrays can only be displayed in 2-D form when the array dimensions start at 1.

Sometimes I want to construct arrays where an index starts from 0 (or other values). This is purely for my convenience in some problems. However such arrays do not display in 2-D form. Consider the displayed form of



Why doesn't the latter 'display' in 2-D form?

For the last 24hrs or so I have found it almost impossible to upload worksheet files in response to questions.

My usual approach is

Big green up-arrow:
(uploader pop-up appears)

Browse files

(this still works)

Upload file

This is the problem step - I generally just get "waiting for Mapleprimes" in my browser's annunciator box: and I wait, and wait, (as in >5 minutes) and still this step does not complete. Just to be annoying, every once in a while the file will upload as normal, such but success is now the exception

I'm seeing the same issue in Firefox 45.0.2 and Chrome 50.0.2661.75mon Win 7, 64-bit.

Anyone else seeing the same issue?



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